After his death sentence for taking part in anti-government rallies was overturned by Iran's highest court, an Iranian man who had been imprisoned last year passed away on Thursday while still in custody.

Javad Rouhi, 35, who was imprisoned during protests last year over the death of Mahsa Amini in detention for allegedly donning a "improper" hijab, died from inadequate hospital care after having a seizure, and activists are holding the government responsible.

The Iranian judiciary's news website, Mizan, stated that "unfortunately, [Rouhi] died despite the actions of medical personnel, and a legal case has been filed to pursue the cause of his death."

On Thursday, a number of human rights advocates disclosed Rouhi's passing on social media an hour before it was formally reported, accusing the judiciary and security services of "killing" him.

Iran's morality police jailed Rouhi for organizing protests after Mahsa Amini passed away.

After allegedly setting a Holy Quran on fire at a demonstration, he was later found guilty of inciting riots, causing property damage, and apostasy, according to the BBC.

Videos of Rouhi dancing during protests from the previous year are being shared by activists.

Amnesty International claims that in order to coerce him into confessing, he was tortured to floggings, subfreezing temperatures, electric shocks, and having a gun held to his head.

A well-known Iranian protester named Rouhi received a triple death sentence in Nowshahr for blasphemy, causing property damage, and provoking national security.

His sentence was overturned in May, nevertheless, allowing for a reconsideration of his situation.

The court conducted a review of the case files and found that Rouhi had participated in the protests on his own and that his actions did not constitute "moharebeh" (waging war against God) or "corruption on earth," crimes that are punishable by death under Islamic law.

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